08-12 -2022
What Is The Best Fabric For Women's Underwear

As intimate clothing, underwear is also an item that needs to be worn for a long time. If the fabric material is not up to standard, discomfort is the second, and even more serious harm to health.

04-26 -2022
What To Buy Women's Underwear According To

It is best to choose underwear made of natural fibers. Among them, cotton products are more suitable. It has good moisture absorption and warmth retention, and the price is moderate.

12-22 -2021
How to choose underwear correctly

Underpants are worn by us, which are very important to our health. So what should we pay attention to when choosing underpants?

12-14 -2021
Teach you how to choose maternity underwear

After pregnancy, mothers will feel that the underwear before pregnancy is getting tighter, strangulation appears, and the lower abdomen feels swelling and pain. At this time, you should immediately change the underwear to maternity pants. Maternity underwear is based on ordinary underwear with some design changes. According to the characteristics of pregnant women's pregnancy, the size, material and shape of the underwear have been modified to make pregnant women wear more comfortable during pregnancy.

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